Needle Sweeps

Needle sweeps

Alongside our crime/trauma scene cleaning services in Brighton and Hove and the South East, our teams are trained in the correct procedures for the safe removal of needles and syringes. If you or your company need a specialist sharps removal service, then Silver Star Cleaning has a fully trained professional needle sweep team.

Needle sweeps prevent accidents

Discarded needles and other sharps along with their associated paraphernalia can carry harmful diseases which can be transmitted to anyone who comes in to contact with them and pricks their skin.  If not removed and safely disposed of they can cause serious infections.

The main risk associated with sharps, such as needles and syringes, are puncture wounds that allow highly infectious bloodborne pathogens, including Hepatitis B and HIV, to be passed on to the individual.

It is imperative that any sightings of sharps are reported immediately and disposed of correctly and professionally. Our team conducts an extensive needle sweep, guaranteeing all sharps are removed before fully decontaminating and sanitizing the area ensuring all bio-hazardous contamination is eradicated.

Quick response needle sweep service

Silver Star Cleaning’s needle sweep service provides a quick response to calls and includes proper disposal and site decontamination carried out in full accordance with the Health and Safety regulations and COSHH procedures. These include providing a full risk assessment and method statement explaining our method of removal through to fully licensed disposal.

To find out more about our services for needle sweeps in Brighton and Hove and the South East please contact us.

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01273 273999

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