Residential Gutter Cleaning
Blocked guttering is an inevitable problem that can cause serious issues for your home or if not addressed. As clearing guttering can be an unpleasant and dangerous task, we provide a full gutter clearing service for properties in Brighton and Hove and the surrounding areas to can save you the expense of repairs and the trouble of doing the job yourself.
Problems with Gutters
Over time, gutters collect organic matter blown in by wind and rain. You can expect to find weeds, grass and leaves which quickly turns to dirt and silt and it is not always washed away. Combine this with other items dropped by birds like fish shells, bones and twigs etc. and you have a blocked gutter. Water then doesn’t drain away as easily as it should and the gutters overflow.
Overflowing gutters cause cosmetic problems such as damage to the paint and woodwork as well as the build-up of algae growth. The property is then prone to damp issues which can cause structural problems resulting in a large repair bill.
Solution – Silver Star Gutter Clearing in Brighton & Hove
Our gutter clearing technique reaches up to 3 to 4 floors high eliminating the need for ladders, scaffolding or hydraulic platforms. We use an industrial wet/dry vacuum cleaner together with wide bore poles which we erect to reach and clear gutters from the safety of the ground.
Our gutter clearing method is extremely effective, safer and considerably cheaper than more traditional methods.
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